Sale Date: Monday, March 4, 2024
Sale Time: 9:00 AM CST
Seller: H&R Agri-Power
Sale Location: H&R Agri-Power locations
Auction Manager:
Zach Hiner (260) 437-2771
Equipment Questions – Please Call
Zach Rister (618) 841-2889
Dave Gibson (270) 839-9947
Financing available to qualified buyers!
This will be a large spring auction featuring planters, tillage, tractors, etc.!
AUCTIONEERS NOTE: Make plans now to participate in the H&R Agri-Power Pre-Plant Auction. This large auction will feature late model high quality equipment that will be located at various H&R Agri-Power locations. This auction will be conducted via live virtual online from the Merit Auctions studio in Ft. Madison, IA and will be offered on 2 bidding platforms: EquipmentFacts & Proxibid. All items sell at NO RESERVE and there are NO buyer’s premiums! Not responsible for accidents, errors or omissions. All items are sold as-is, with no guarantees or warranties.
- 2021 Case IH Magnum 380AFS Connect MFWD Tractor, 50 KPH CVX Transmission,5Rear Hydraulic Remotes, High-Flow Hyd. System, 1,000 PTO,VF480/80R50 Rear Tires with Duals,VF420/85R34 Front Tires with Duals, Michelin Tires, Front Wt. Support with 18Wts.,360Degree HID/LED Worklights with Dual Beacons, Class5 HD Suspended Front Axle, Luxury Technology Cab with Semi Active Suspension, Full Guidance with AFS Pro 1200 Display, AFS Vector Pro High with NTRIP Receiver, Nav Controller, Radar, Emissions, 1,150 hours, Stock # 168913, SN JJAMG380CLRK04557, Location: Union City, TN, Warranty Until 2/14/26 or 3,000 Hours
- 2019 Case IH Magnum380 CVT MFWD Tractor, 50 KPH Continuously Variable Transmission, Class 5 HD Suspended Frt. Axle,6Hyd. Outlets, High-Flow Hyd. System, Power Beyond/Hyd Motor Return Valve, 1000 PTO, Hi Capacity Drawbar, True Ground Speed Sensor, Quick Hitch with Hyd. Top Link, Luxury Performance Cab with Suspension, Leather Trim, Front HID & LED Work Lights, 480/85R50 Rear Tires with Duals-Firestone,480/70R34Front Tires with Duals-Good Year Tires,18 Front Weights & 3,000 LBS Rear Wheel Weights, Full Guidance, with Pro 700 Monitor, Nav Controller, 372 Receiver-2,098hours, Stock # 177807, SN: JJAM0380AJRF04520, Location: Vergennes, IL
- 2020 Case IH Magnum 340 AFS Connect MFWD Tractor, PS Transmission, 19F/4R, 5 Rear Hydraulic Remotes, Power Beyond-Motor Return Valve, High-Flow Hyd. System, 1,000 PTO, Category 4 High-Capacity Drawbar, 480/80R50 Rear Tires with Duals, 380/80R38 Front Tires with Duals, Michelin Tires, Front Wt. Support with 10 Weights, 2,000 Lbs. Rear Wheel Weights,360 LED Work Light Package with Single Beacon, Class 5 HD Suspended Front Axle, Luxury Technology Cab with Suspension, Full Guidance with AFS Pro 1200 Display, AFS Vector Pro Receiver, Nav III Controller, Radar, Emissions Warranty Until 4/29/2025 or 3,000 Hours., 780 Hours, SN: JJAMG340LKRK04235, Stock # 169646. Location: Trenton, TN
- 2022 Case IH Magnum 310 CVT AFS Connect Tractor, 50KPH CVT Transmission, 5 Rear Hydraulic Remotes, Twin Flow Hydraulic System with Power Beyond & Motor Return, 1,000 PTO, Michelin480/80R50 Rear Tires with Duals, Michelin 380/80R38 Front Tires with Duals, MFD Front Narrow Fenders, Front Weight Support with 12 Weights, 2,000 Lbs. Rear Weights, 360 Degree LED Work Light Package with Dual Beacons, Class 5 Heavy-Duty Suspended Front Axle, High-Capacity Drawbar, Luxury Technology Cab with Suspension, AFS Pro 1200 Display, Nav III Controller, Vector Pro Receiver, Unit Has Emissions Warranty Until 03/01/2027, Engine Compression Brake. Unit has 710 Hours, Stock # 215246, SN: JJAMG310LNRK01263. Location: Hopkinsville, KY
- 2020 Case IH Magnum 310 CVT AFS Connect Tractor, 50KPH CVT Transmission, 5 Rear Hydraulic Remotes, Twin Flow Hydraulic System with Power Beyond & Motor Return, 1,000 PTO, 480/80R50Rear Tires with Duals, 380/80R38 Front Tires with Duals, Michelin Tires, MFD Front Narrow Fenders, Front Weight Support with 12 Weights, 2,000 Lbs. Rear Weights, 360 Degree LED Work Light Package with Dual Beacons, Class 4.75 Suspended Front Axle, Category IV High-Capacity Drawbar, Luxury Technology Cab with Suspension, AFS Pro 1200Display, Nav III Controller, Vector Pro Receiver, Engine Compression Brake, Unit Has Emissions Warranty Until 02/24/2026. 1,270 Hours, Stock # 215052, SN: JJAMG310CLRK02057, Location: Hopkinsville, KY
- 2018 John Deere 8320R Tractor, IVT-42KPH Transmission, ILS Front Axle without Brakes, Active Command Steering,5 Rear Hydraulic Remotes, 85cc+ 35cc HydraulicPumps-84 GPM Total, Category 4-20,000 Lb. Rock shaft with Quick Coupler, 1,000 PTO, Category 4 Drawbar, 380/80R38 Front Tires with Duals, 480/80R50 Rear Tires with Duals, Michelin Tires, 22 Front Weights, Rear Wheel Weights, Premium LED Lighting Package, Right Hand Rotating Beacon Light, Premium Command View III Cab with Active Seat & Leather Trim, Premium Radio, Electric Mirrors, 4600 Processor, 10”Extended Monitor, SF1 Receiver Starfire6000, Command Center Premium Activations, 2,615Hours, SN:1RW8320RCJD136533, Stock # : 169254, Location: Russellville, KY.
- 2015 Case IH Magnum 310 MFWD Tractor, Powershift Transmission-18F/4R, Class 4.75MFWD Frt. Axle, MFD Narrow Front Fenders,4 Hyd. Outlets, High-Flow Hyd. System, Power Beyond/Hyd. Motor Return Valve, 1,000 PTO, Hi Capacity Drawbar, Quick Hitch, Luxury Performance Cab with Suspension, Leather Trim, Front HID Work Lights, 480/85R50 Rear Tires with Duals-Mitas, 420/85R34 Front Tires with Duals-Titan,5Front Weights & 2,000 LBS Rear Wheel Weights, Guidance Ready, Less Guidance Components-3,610hours, Stock # 175073, SN: ZERF05193, Location: Union City, TN
- 2013 Case IH Magnum 290 MFWD Tractor, Powershift Transmission-18F/4R, 4 Rear Hydraulic Remotes, Hydraulic Return Valve, High-Capacity Hydraulic Pump, 1,000 PTO, Category 3 High-Capacity Drawbar, 480/80R50 Rear Tires with Duals, 380/80R38 Front Tires with Duals, Firestone Tires, Front Weight Support with 18 Weights, 360 HID Work Light Package with Dual Beacons, Class 5 Suspended Front Axle, Suspended Luxury Cab with Leather Seats, Full Guidance with Pro700 Display, 372Receiver, Nav II Controller, 4,190Hours, Stock # 130703, SN:ZDRD01923. Location: Newbern, TN
- 2015 Case IH Steiger 580 QuadTrac Tractor, 16F/2R Powershift Transmission, Hi-Capacity Bar Axles with Diff-Lock, 42 Gallons Per Minute Hydraulic Pump, 4 Rear Hydraulic Remotes, 1,000 PTO shaft, High-Capacity Drawbar, Factory Guidance Ready, Pro700 Display, Nav II Controller, 372 Receiver, Luxury Performance Cab, Front & Rear HID Lights, HID Cab Roof Work Light Package, Single Beacon, Cold Weather Start Aid Package,30”Tracks, Front Bumper Weight. Unit has4,200 Hours, Stock # 215639, SN: ZEF303534, Location: Hopkinsville, KY
- 2009 New Holland T9050 HD Tractor, 16F/2R, PS Transmission,4Rear Hydraulic Remotes, High-Capacity Hyd. Pump, Front Bumper/Front Weight Bracket, Deluxe Cloth Cab with Training Seat and Performance Monitor,710/70R42Front & Rear Tires with Duals, Titan Tires, Full Outback Guidance System, 3,460 hours, Stock # 136705, SN: Z9F206575, Location: Owensboro, KY
- 2014 New Holland T8.275 MFWD Tractor, 18F/4R Powershift Transmission, 5 Rear Hydraulic Remotes, High Flow Hydraulic System with Power Beyond & Motor Return, 540/1,000 PTO, 380/90R50 Rear Tires with Duals, 320/85R38 Front Tires with Duals, 360 HID Work Light Package with Dual Beacons, Class 4.75 Suspended Front Axle, Luxury Cab with Leather Seats, Pro 700 Display, Less Nav Controller, Less Receiver, New Holland 855TL Loader with Electro-Hydraulic Joystick and Loader Bucket, Unit Has 3,115 Hours, Stock # 169137, SN: ZDRC09431, Location: Russellville, KY
- 2004 Case IH Steiger STX375 Tractor, 16F/2R Powershift Transmission, Heavy-Duty Bar Axles with Diff-Lock, Standard Hydraulic Pump, 5 Rear Hydraulic Remotes, Less PTO, Scraper Hitch, 3-Point Hitch, Non Factory Guidance Ready, Deluxe Cab with Cloth Seats, Halogen Lights, Manual Adjust Mirrors,520/85R46 Front Tires with Duals, 520/85R46 Rear Tires with Duals, Goodyear Tires,6,250Hours, Stock # 169345, SN:JEE0105382, Location: Russellville, KY.
- 2015 Case IH Puma 165 Tractor–19F/6R50 KPH Powershift Transmission, 3 Electronic Rear Hydraulic Remotes, Mid-Mount Hydraulics with Electronic Joystick,540/1,000 PTO with Interchanging Shafts,520/85R38 Rear Tires,420/85R28Front Tires, Firestone Tires, Front Fenders,6 Rear Wheel Weights, Halogen Work Lights, with Left Side Rotating Beacon, Class4 MFD Suspended Front Axle with Brakes, Swinging Drawbar, Deluxe Cab with Semi-Active Suspension Driver Seat with Leather Cover, Leather Passenger Seat, Electric Armrest Adjustment, Bluetooth Radio with Speakers, Automatic Air Conditioner, Hydraulic Trailer Brake, Extended Life Brakes, Loader Ready, Radar, 2,485 Hours, Stock # 169048, SN:ZFEP01030. Location: Russellville, KY
- 2014 John Deere 6150M MFWD Tractor, 16F/16R Power Quad Plus Transmission with Left Hand Reverser, 2Rear Hydraulic Remotes, Category 3N/2Three-Point Hitch with Telescopic Draft Links, 540/1,000 PTO, Front Fenders, Titan 380/85R30 Front Tires, Firestone 480/80R42 Rear Tires, Deluxe Cab with Air Suspension Seat, Passenger Seat, Right Hand Door, Front Weight Support Less Weights,7470 Hours, Stock # 174987, SN:1L06150MAEH791537, Location: Union City, TN
- 2020 John Deere 6135E MFWD Tractor, 12F/12R Power Reverser Transmission, 2 Rear Hydraulic Remotes, Standard 20 Gallons Per Minute Hydraulic Pump, Category II 3-Point Hitch with Telescopic Draft Links, 540/1,000 PTO, Mitas 340/85R24 R1W Radial Front Tires, Mitas 460/85R38 R1W Radial Rear Tires, Unit Has Emissions Warranty Until 10/26, 2026. Unit has 68 Hours, Stock # 168921, SN:1P06135ECL0011465. Location: Russellville, KY
- 2019 New Holland T5.120 MFWD Tractor, 40 KPH 16F/16R Transmission with Auto Shift Function, 3 Rear Hydraulic Remotes, 2 Mid-Mount Hydraulic Valves with Electro-Hydraulic Joystick, 540/1,000 Rear PTO, Heavy Duty Drawbar, Galaxy 18.4R34 Rear Tires, Galaxy 14.9R24 Front Tires, 6-110 Lb. Rear Wheel Weights, Heavy Duty Brake Discs, Heavy-Duty MFD Front Axle with Hydraulic Diff Lock, Suspended Cab with Over Head Hi-Visibility Panel, Premium Air Suspension Seat, 4 LED Cab Roof Lights, New Holland815LA Mechanical Self Leveling Loader with Bucket, Emissions Warranty Until 01/29/2025. Unit has 1,995 Hours, Stock # 214562, SN: HLRT5120VKL011165. Location: Hopkinsville, KY
- 2017 Case IH Farmall 110A 2WD Tractor, 16F/8RHi/Lo Partial Powershift Transmission with Power Shuttle,2Rear Hydraulic Remotes, Standard Hydraulic System, 540/1,000 Reversible Shaft Rear PTO,18.4R38Rear Tires,10.00-16Front Tires, 8 Front Weights, HD Flanged Rear Axle, Halogen Work lights/Road Lights, Deluxe Cab with Air Suspension Seat, AM/FM Radio, 1,430Hours, Stock # 172583, SN: CT01065M, Mayfield, KY
- 2015 Kubota M6-101DTC-F MFWD Tractor, 24 Speed Partial Powershift Transmission with Electo-Hydraulic Shuttle, 2 Rear Hydraulic Remotes, 2 Mid-Mount Hydraulic Valves with Joystick, 540/1,000 PTO, Firestone 18.4 x 34 Rear Tires, Goodyear 13.6 x 24 Front Tires, Kubota LA1955 Loader with Skid Steer Style Face Plate and Bucket. Unit has 775Hours, Stock # 168997, SN: 10039. Location: Russellville, KY
- 2019 New Holland Powerstar 75 MFWD Tractor, 12F/12R Power Shuttle Transmission, 2 Rear Hydraulic Remotes, 2 Mid Mount Hydraulic Remotes with Mechanical Joystick, 540 PTO, Swinging Drawbar, Category II 3-Point Hitch with Flex Link Ends, Galaxy 280/85R24 Front Tires, Galaxy 420/65R30 Rear Tires,440 Lbs. Rear Wheel Weights, Deluxe Cab with High Visibility Panel, Deluxe Fabric Seat with Air Suspension, Hand Brake, A Pillar Exhaust, 2 Front and 2 Rear Roof Work Lights, 2 External Mirrors, New Holland Model 655TL Loader with Skid Steer Style Quick Attach Face Plate and Loader Bucket, Emissions Warranty Until 03/26/2025. Unit Has 110 Hours, Stock # 214541, SN: ELRT4075TJAN02574, Location: Hopkinsville, KY
- 2017 Case IH Farmall 60A 2WD Tractor, 8F/8R Synchronized Transmission,1 Rear Hydraulic Remotes, Standard Hydraulic System, 540 Shaft Rear PTO, Rear 3 Point Hitch with Flex Links, 14.9R28 Rear Tires,7.5-16 Front Tires, Flanged Rear Axle, Halogen Worklights/Road Lights, Open Station Operator Station with ROPS and Standard Suspension Seat-Only 430 Hours, Stock # 202069, SN: FR5382767, Poseyville, IN
- 2020 Case IH Farmall 55A MFWD Tractor with Case IH L610 Loader (SS Style/72”Bucket), 12F/12R with & Power Shuttle Transmission,2Rear Hydraulic Remotes, Standard Hydraulic System, 540 Rear PTO, Mechanical 3 Point Hitch Ground Control, 16.9-30Rear Tires,11.2-24Front Tires,4 Rear Wheel Weights, Halogen Worklights/Road Lights, Deluxe Cab with Air Suspension Seat, Training Seat, Bluetooth Radio, Only 57Hours!!!, Stock # 172613, SN: ELRFA55AJLAY00528, Mayfield, KY
- 2023 Case IH Early Riser 2150High Speed Bulk Fill Planter, 24 Row, 30in. Spacing, AFS Control, Hydraulic Direct Drive with Alternator, Electric Drive Meters with High Speed Belt delivery Seed Tubes and 24 Seed Corn Plates, Delta Force-Automatic Hydraulic Down Pressure, Deluxe Air Compressor, Clean Sweep Pneumatic Adjust Row Cleaners with Depth Bands and In-CabControl,2X2X2-ConcealLiquid Fertilizer-In Furrow System with 750Gallon Tank Capacity, 2Stage Closing System with In-Cab Control, Road & Work Lights, Markers, 2 Point Hitch, Less Display, ONLY 2,771acres, Stock # 26350X , SN: CBJY2150LPS106185, Location: Princeton, IN
- 2023 Case IH Early Riser 2150 High Speed Bulk Fill Planter, 24 Row, 30in. Spacing, AFS Control, Hydraulic Direct Drive with Alternator, Electric Drive Meters with High-Speed Belt Delivery Seed Tubes and 24 Seed Corn Plates, Delta Force-Automatic Hydraulic Down Pressure, Deluxe Air Compressor, 2 Stage Closing System with In-Cab Control, Road & Work Lights, Markers, 2Point Hitch, Less Display, Only 5,237 Acres, Stock # 141122, SN: CBJY2150VPS106183 Location: Princeton, IN
- 2022 Kinze 3605 16/31 ASD Planter-Bulk Fill,15”/30” Row Spacing, Mechanical Drive, Mechanical Meters with 16 Finger Pickup Corn Meters and 31 Brush Meters with 60 Cell Soybean Discs, Pneumatic Down Pressure, Ag Leader Electric Clutches on Corn Rows, 31 No-Till Coulters, Seed Firmers, Spike Closing Wheels, Road Hazard and Work Lights, Markers, Drawbar Hitch, Stock # 215395, SN:117824. Location: Hopkinsville, KY
- 2021 Case IH Early Riser 2140 High Speed Bulk Fill Planter, 24 Row, 20in. Spacing, AFS Control, Hydraulic Direct Drive with Alternator, Electric Drive Meters with Speed Tubes, 24 Soybean Seed Discs, Delta Force-Automatic Hydraulic Down Pressure, Deluxe Air Compressor, Clean Sweep Pneumatic Adjust Row Cleaners with Depth Bands, Liquid Fertilizer-In Furrow with 400Gallon Tank Capacity, 2 Stage Closing System with In-Cab Control, Road& Work lights, Less Markers, Drawbar Hitch, Less Display,*NOTE* Planter Has Had Pivot Arm PIP Update Completed/Ground Engaging Hardware Rebuilt Before 2023 Planting Season (Approximately2,000 Ago)-Only 6,458 Total Acres, Stock # 202327, SN: YLS091527, Location: Poseyville, IN
- 2021 Case IH Early Riser 2150 24 Row Bulk Fill Planter, 30” Spacing, AFS Control, Hydraulic Direct Drive with Alternator, Electric Drive Meters with 24 Electric Row Clutches, 24 Corn and Soybean Seed Discs, Pneumatic Down Force with In-Cab Control, Air Compressor, Hydraulic Wing Down Force, 2 Stage Closing System, Road & Work Lights, Markers, Drawbar Hitch, Less Display, SN YMS091658, Stock # 193061, Location: Hopkinsville, KY
- 2021 Kinze 3605 16/31 Planter, 15”/30” Row Spacing, Mechanical Drive, Mechanical Meters with 16Finger Pickup Corn Meters and 31 Brush Meters, Spring Down Pressure, 31 No-Till Coulters, Spike Closing Wheels, Road Hazard and Work Lights, Markers, Drawbar Hitch, KPM3 Monitor, 6,728 Acres, Stock # 169382, SN:114928, Location: Russellville, KY
- 2020 Case IH Early Riser 2130 Bulk Fill Stack Fold Planter, 12 Row,40”Spacing, AFS Control, Hydraulic Direct Drive with Alternator, Electric Drive Meters, Electric Row Clutches, Delta Force-Automatic Hydraulic Down Pressure, Deluxe Air Compressor, Clean Sweep Pneumatic Adjust Row Cleaners with Depth Bands, Gull Wings with Wing Down Force,2 Stage Closing System with In-Cab Control, Road & Work lights, Less Markers, Less Display, SN:YKS085346, Stock # 85529, Location: Brownsville, TN
- 2019 Case IH/Yield Track Early Riser 2150 24 Row Bulk Fill Planter, 30” Spacing, AFS Control, Hydraulic Direct Drive with Alternator, Electric Drive Meters, 24 Electric Row Clutches, Delta Force-Automatic Hydraulic Down Pressure, Deluxe Air Compressor, Clean Sweep Pneumatic Adjust Row Cleaners with Depth Bands, Liquid Fertilizer-In Furrow with 850 Gallon Tank Capacity-Note: Fertilizer Has Never Been used, 2 Stage Closing System with In-Cab Control, Dual Tandem Wing Fold Wheels, Hydraulic Drawbar, 18” Tracks with Undercarriage, Road & Work Lights, Markers, Less Display, 12,000 Estimated Lifetime Acres, This Planter is Being Rebuilt for the 2024 Planting Season-New Double Disc Openers, Updated Closing Pivots, New Parallel Bushings, Rebuilt Track System. SN: YT24R30070003, Stock # 28186X, Location: Hopkinsville, KY
- 2019 Case IH Early Riser 2140 Bulk Fill Planter, 24 Row, 20” Spacing, AFS Control, Hydraulic Direct Drive with Alternator, Electric Drive Meters, Speed Tubes, 24 Corn Seed and 24 Soybean Seed Discs, Delta Force-Automatic Hydraulic Down Pressure, Hydraulic Wing Down Force, Deluxe Air Compressor, Clean Sweep Pneumatic Adjust Row Cleaners with Depth Bands, Liquid Fertilizer-In Furrow with 120 Gallon Tank Capacity, 2 Stage Closing System with In-Cab Control, Road & Work lights, Drawbar Hitch, Less Markers, Less Display, SN: YJS080442, Stock # 169598, Location: Trenton, TN
- 2018 Case IH Early Riser 2140 16/31 Bulk Fill Planter, 15in./30in. Row Spacing, Hydraulic Direct Drive with Alternator, Electric Drive Meters with 31 Soybean Plates, In-Cab Pneumatic Down Force, 2 Stage Closing System, Road Hazard Lights, Markers, Drawbar Hitch, Less Display, 4,068 Acres (Estimated), Stock # 27319X, SN YJS073643, Location: Princeton, IN
- 2018 Case IH Early Riser 2140 Bulk Fill Planter, 24 Row, 20”Spacing, AFS Control, Hydraulic Direct Drive with Alternator, Electric Drive Meters, 24 Corn Seed Discs & 24 Soybean Seed Discs, Delta Force- Automatic Hydraulic Down Pressure, Deluxe Air Compressor, Clean Sweep Pneumatic Adjust Row Cleaners with Depth Bands, Liquid Fertilizer-In Furrow with 400 Gallon Tank Capacity, 2 Stage Closing System with In-Cab Control, Road & Work lights, Markers, Drawbar Hitch, Less Display, SN: YJS073582, Stock # 215654, Location: Hopkinsville, KY
- 2015 Case IH Early Riser 1245 16/31 Row Bulk Fill Planter, 15”/30” Row Spacing, Variable Rate Hydraulic Drive, Accu Drive Advanced Seed Meters with 31 Electric Row Clutches, 16 Corn and 31 Soybean Seed Discs, In-Cab Pneumatic Down Force, 2 Stage Closing System, 36 GPM Planter Mounted Hydraulic Pump with PTO Drive, Road Hazard Lights, Markers, Drawbar Hitch, Less Display, SN:YES052096, Stock # 28274X,Location: Hopkinsville, KY
- 2014 Case IH Early Riser 1245 16/31 Row Bulk Fill Planter–15”/30” Row Spacing, Variable Rate Hydraulic Drive, Accu Drive Advanced Seed Meters with 31 Electric Row Clutches, In-Cab Pneumatic Down Force, 2Stage Closing System, 36 GPM Planter Mounted Hydraulic Pump with PTO Drive, Road Hazard Lights, Markers, Drawbar Hitch, Less Display, SN: YDS042593, Stock # 193141, Location: Hopkinsville, KY
- 2014 Kinze 3660 16/31 ASD Planter-Bulk Fill, 15”/30” Row Spacing, Variable Rate Hydraulic Drive, Planter Mounted PTO Pump, Vacuum Meters with 31 Soybean Seed Discs, 16 Electric Clutches on Corn Rows, 31 No-Till Coulters,31 Kinze Mechanical Adjust Row Cleaners, Pneumatic Down Pressure, Spike Closing Wheels, Road and Hazard Lights, Markers, Drawbar Hitch, Ag Leader Integra Display, 15,578 Lifetime Acres, SN: 104349, Stock # 187577, Location: Fayetteville, TN
- 2014 Kinze 3700 ASD Bulk Fill 24 Row Front Fold Planter, 20 Inch Row Spacing, Hydraulic Variable Rate Drive Transmission, Precision V-Set Meters with 24 Corn & 24 Soybean Plates, Electric Row Clutches, Pneumatic Down Force, Martin Floating Residue Managers with Depth Bands and Cam Locks, Spiked Closing Wheels, In-Furrow Liquid Fertilizer System with 400 gal. tank and pump, Road Hazard Lights, Markers, Drawbar Hitch, Ag Leader Integra Display, 22,000 Acres, Stock # 175029, SN: 104579, Location: Union City, TN
- 2012 Case IH Early Riser 1250 24 Row-30” Planter, Bulk Fill, Variable Rate Hydraulic Drive,24 Yetter Mechanical Adjust Row Cleaners, Advanced Seed Vacuum Meters with 24 Corn Seed Discs and 24 Soybean Seed Discs, 24Air Clutches, Pneumatic Down Force, Early Riser 2 Stage Closing System, Road/Hazard Lighting, Markers,2pt Hitch, Less Display, Stock # 215630, SN: YCS028360. Location: Hopkinsville, KY
- 2012 John Deere 1790 16/31 Row Front Fold Bulk Fill Planter, 15in./30in. Spacing, Central Commodity System, Hydraulic Variable Rate Drive, Pneumatic Down Force, No-Till Coulters, Cast Iron Closing Wheels, 31 Soybean Meters w/soybean seed discs, 2-Pt. Hitch, Less Markers, Less Display, 15,000Acres (Estimated), Stock # 175123, SN: 1A01790CCDA750811, Location: Union City, TN
- 2011 Kinze 3660 16/31 ASD Planter-Bulk Fill, 15”/30” Row Spacing, Electric Drive, Vacuum Meters with 16 Corn and 31 Soybean Seed Discs, 31 Martin Mechanical Adjust Row Cleaners, Hydraulic Down Pressure, Liquid Fertilizer-In Furrow with 400 Gallon Tank Capacity, Rubber V and Spike Closing Wheels, Road hazard Lights, Markers, Drawbar Hitch, Precision Gen II 20/20 Display, Stock # 215862, SN: 660635, Location: Hopkinsville, KY
- 2010 Case IH 1230-12 Row 30” Stack Fold Planter, Spring Down Force, Mechanical Drive, Vacuum Seed Metering, On Row Seed Hoppers, 12 Corn and Soybean Seed Discs, Yetter Row Cleaners, Gull Wing Package, 2-Stage Closing System, Markers, Less Display, Stock # 195822, SN: YAS007623, Location: Mayfield, KY
- Case IH 1230-16 Row 30” Spacing Stack Fold Planter, Pneumatic Down Force, Hydraulic Drive, Vacuum Seed Metering with 16 Air Clutches, On Row Seed Hoppers, 16 Corn Seed Discs, 16 Mechanical Adjust Row Cleaners, 2-Stage Closing System, Less Display, Less Markers, Stock # 130708, SN: Cannot Read-Located Behind Frame Bracket. Location: Newbern, TN
- 2008 Case IH 1200 16/31 Row Planter, Spring Down Force, Hydraulic Drive, Vacuum Seed Metering with half Width Disconnect, Bulk Fill, 2-Stage Closing System, Pro 600 Display, Markers, Planter Mounted PTO Driven Hydraulic Pump, Drawbar Hitch, 16 Corn Discs,31 Soybean Discs, Stock # 215317, SN: CBJ036425. Location: Hopkinsville, KY
- 2001 John Deere 1770 24 Row Max Emerge Plus Conservation Planter, 30in. Row Spacing, Mechanical Ground Contact Drive Trans, Vacuum Seed Meters with 24Corn Plates, No-Till Coulters, HD Spring Down Force, Rubber V Closing Wheels, New Wet Seed Firmers, Sure Fire Liquid Fertilizer In-Furrow System with Commander II Controller, Road Hazard Lights, Markers,2PointHitch, JD CompuTrak 250 Monitor,*NOTE* Planter Has 1,000 Acres on New Disc Openers, No Till Blades, Shaft Bearings, Chains, & Closing Wheel Pivots, Stock # 189922, Location: Vergennes, IL
- 1997 John Deere 1780 12/23 Conservation Planter-15”/30” Row Spacing, Mechanical Ground Contact Drive Transmission, Vacuum Seed Meters with Soybean Plates, No-Till Coulters, HD Spring Down Force, Rubber V Closing Wheels, Seed Firmers, Road Hazard Lights, Markers, Drawbar Hitch, JD Compu Trak Monitor, SN: H01780F670135, Stock # 187454, Location: Fayetteville, TN
- John Deere 7000 12 Row No-Till Planter, 30in. Row Spacing, Mechanical Ground Contact DriveTrans,12 Corn Finger Pick-Up Meters, 12 Soybean Meters, No-Till Coulters, HD Spring Down Force, Rubber V Closing Wheels, Seed Firmers, *Fertilizer System Has Not Been Used In a While*, All New Seed Sensors Last Year, Road Hazard Lights, Markers,2 Point Hitch, CT200Monitor, Stock # 189921, Location: Vergennes, IL
- 2001 Great Plains 3N-3010P-4875 No Till Grain Drill, 30Ft Working Width, 4 Section Front Fold Frame, GP Precision Seeding System with 48 Hole, 7.5 Inch Row Spacing, No Till Coulters on All Rows, True-V Disc Openers with Single Rubber Tire Closing Wheels, SN: GP-1018AA, Stock # 177823, Location: McLeansboro, IL
- 1998 Great Plains NTA3510-35’ Air Drill with ACD2220-220 Bushel Air Cart, 55 Openers x 7.5” Spacing, No-Till Coulter Blades Replaced Approximately 400 Acres Ago, Includes Monitors/Displays Necessary to Operate the Unit, 22,955 Lifetime Acres. NTA3510 SN:GP-Z1114; ACD2220 SN: GP-Y1110. Stock # 187429. Location: Fayetteville, TN
- 2017 Case IH Patriot 4440 Self Propelled Sprayer, AIM Command Flex,120/90Ft7SectionBooms with 20In.-30 In. Nozzle Spacing, 5 Way Nozzle Bodies and Boom Flush Valve, Fence Row Nozzles, Auto Boom Height Control with 5 Sensors, 1,200 Gal. Product Tank with Chemical Eductor and 3InchFront/Side Fill, Active Suspension with Hydraulic Tread Adjust, 4 Fender Set, 380/94R46Tires, also sells w/a set of 650/65R38 Continental brand floater tires, Ag Leader In-Command 1200Display/Controller, Ag Leader 7500 Receiver, Deluxe HID/LED Field Lights with Dual Beacons, Luxury Surveyor Cab with Leather and Power Mirrors, 3,200 Hours, Stock # 174922, SN: YHT045185, Location: Union City, TN
- 2011 Case IH Patriot 3230 Self Propelled 4WD Sprayer, 220 HP, Active Suspension, 90 Ft., 6 Section Boom with 20” Nozzle Spacing and 5-Way Nozzle Bodies, 800 Gal. Stainless Product Tank, Stainless Chemical Eductor, Remote Section Control, Accuboom Section Control, Foam Markers, Luxury Cab with Leather Seat, AM/FM CD Radio, Electric Mirrors, AFS AccuGuide Ready, Pro 700 Display, Nav II Controller, 262 Receiver, Fenders, Goodyear 380/90R46 Tires, Unit has 2,232 Hours, Stock # 215271,SN:YBT031265. Location: Hopkinsville, KY
- 2023 Massey Ferguson-Hesston 1745D Round Baler, 4x5bale, 540 PTO with Slip Clutch, Hydraulic Bale Density, Manual Pick-Up Lift, Laced Belts, Rear Bale Ramp, Twine and Net Wrap, Stock # 202101, SN: AGCM1745DPHR02134, Only 150Bales (Estimated) Location: Poseyville, IN
- 2021 New Holland Roll Belt 460Round Baler, 4×6 bale, 540 PTO with Slip Clutch, in-Cab Density, Manual Pick-Up Lift, Laced Belts, Rear Bale Ramp, Twine and Deluxe Net Wrap, SNYLN203236, Only 2,800 Bales (Estimated) Stock # 27816X Location: Morganfield, KY
- 2008 Massey Ferguson 1359 Mower Conditioner, 9’3” Cutting Width, Side Pull, TiCor Rubber Rollers, 60PTO Horsepower Recommended, Stock # 172572, SN: 1359HP38307, Location: Mayfield, KY
- 2018 Kinze MT261 Mach Till High Speed Disk, 7.5in. Blade Spacing, Single Fold Frame, Cushion Gang Mounted Blades Measure 18in., Rear Mounted Single Roller, Stock # 214452, SN 112952, Location: Morganfield, KY
- 2016 Landoll 7832-35 High Speed Disc, 35 Ft Working Width, 3 Section Single Fold Frame, Front Smooth Blades Measure 24 Inch, Rear Smooth Blades Measure 21.5 Inch, Walking Tandem Gauge Wheels on Wings, Drawbar Hitch, Stock # 177656, SN: 78C1600255, Location: McLeansboro, IL
- 2007 John Deere 637 45’2” Double Fold Frame Disk Harrow, Cushion Gang Mount, Scrapers, 9 Inch Blade Spacing, 20 Inch Front Blades, 21.5 Inch Rear Blades, Hydraulic Adjust Leveling, Walking Tandems on Main Frame and Wings, Wing Gage Wheels, Stock # 189882, SN: N00637X012082, Location: Vergennes, IL
- 2014 Great Plains NP40A Nutri-Pro NH3 Applicator, 15 Knife, 30 Inch Row Spacing, Raven Half Width Shut Off, Continental Cooler, Drawbar Hitch, Less Controller, SN: GP-1100U, Location: McLeansboro, IL, Stock # 177252
- Krause 6182 Landsman Double Fold Frame Field Finisher, Approximately 42FT, Walking Tandems on Mainframe & Wings, Adjustable Hyd. Front Gang Pressure, Front Blades Measure19.5 Inches, Danish Tine Shank Mounted Sweeps, Rear Harrow with 2 Bar Coil Tine & Rolling Basket, *NOTE* Machine has a few Welds, Stock # 202003, SN: 2304, Location: Poseyville, IN
- 2008 Case IH Crumbler 110, 32 Ft Width, Single Fold Frame, Spring Cushion Mounted Single Round Bar Rolling Basket, Manually Adjustable Tongue, Very Low Acres, SN: Y8T030094, Stock # 177681, Location: McLeansboro, IL
- Aerway AW3000 Aerator, 30 Ft Width, Concrete Weights, *NOTE* Frame Appears Good, Tines are Worn Considerably, Stock # 172674, SN: 004000215N, Location: Mayfield, KY
- Yetter 3530 Rotary Hoe, 30Ft Flat Fold, 3 Point Hitch Mounted, Stock # 147072, SN: Unknown, Location: Morganfield, KY
- 2020 Kinze 1051 Single Axle Hi Flotation Grain Cart, 900/60R32 Tires, Hyd. Adjust Discharge Spout, 1000 PTO Drive Line with 1” Shaft, 51 Series Electric Scale Package with GT 400 Display, Manual Roll Tarp, Road Hazard Lighting, Stock # 172604, SN: 114579, Location: Mayfield, KY
- 2015 Unverferth 3750 Seed Tender, Dual Compartment Hoppers, Bumper Hitch, Triple Axle with Brakes, 8 In. X 18 Ft Conveyor, 4 Point Scale System with 2410 Indicator, Hyd. Drive Unload, Corded Remote, Honda Engine, 2 Stage Telescoping Spout, Manual Roll Tarp, Manual Hopper Doors, Stock # 174925, SN: D60250201, Location: Union City, TN
- KBH ST250-185 Bushel 2 Compartment Seed Tender, Roll Tarp, Honda GX Recoil Start Gas Engine, Corded Remote,6” Auger, SN Plate Missing, Stock # 81462. Location: Brownsville, TN
- 2017 McFarlane SPR1140-3RB Stalk Chopper, 40Ft Wide/Carted Harrow, Stalk Chopping Reel, 2 Bar Spike Harrow, Flat Bar Basket, Stock # 25240X , SN: 18642, Location: Morganfield, KY
- 2020 Polaris Ranger 1000 XP, Full Factory Cab with Heath & A/C, 3 Person Seating, Power Steering, Front Brush Guard with Winch, Deluxe Wheels, Front & Rear Windshields, VIN#4XARRZ992L8044517, Location: Washington, IN, Stock # 178338