Virtual Online Auction
Sale Date: Monday, March 6, 2023
Sale Time: 10:00 AM CST
Seller: TA Family Farms LLC
278.43 Acres± • 5 Tracts
Tract 1 – $5,600.00 per acre
Tract 2 – $5,600.00 per acre
Tract 3 – $5,600.00 per acre
Tract 4 – $5,600.00 per acre
Tract 5 – $5,600.00 per acre
TOTAL – $1,559,208.00
The TA Family Farms are located in Sections 4 & 5, Washington Township, Appanoose County, Iowa 3 miles northwest of Moulton, Iowa or 8 miles east of Centerville, Iowa. From Moulton, Iowa go north on St. Hwy. 202 2½ miles to 520th St., turn left or west and proceed 1¾ miles to Tracts 1-3. To access Tracts 4-5 continue on 520th St. to 303rd Ave., turn left or south and go 1 mile to the T intersection, turn right or west and proceed a ¼ mile to the parcels.
Tract 1 • 38.84 Taxable Acres±
- FSA information indicates 20.82 acres of tillable cropland that is currently in row crop production and pasture land. The balance of the tract is improved pastureland and an older wooded railroad right of way.
- Lamoni, Clarinda & Seymour soils.
- Rathbun Rural Water is located on this parcel.
- CSR2 is 35.
- Access is on the south by 520th St.
Tract 2 • 11 Acres± (Subject to survey)
- This parcel has been utilized as improved pasture land and offers several attractive home building sites. The tract includes several mature trees and a nearly 1 acre pond.
- Rathbun Rural Water is located on this parcel.
- Access is on the east by 303rd Ave.
Tract 3 • 76.08 Taxable Acres±
- FSA information indicates 35.94 acres of tillable cropland, including 31.82 acres in CRP with a payment of $172.65 per acre, expiring in 2027. The balance of the tract is in improved pasture land.
- Clarinda, Lamoni & Seymour soils.
- CSR2 is 41.
- This parcel is improved with 30’ x 40’ hay/ livestock barn, livestock holding areas and Rathbun Rural Water is located on the tract.
- Access is on the north by 520th St. & on the west by 303rd Ave.
Tract 4 • 78 Acres± (Subject to survey)
- FSA information indicates 42.10 acres of tillable cropland, that is currently in improved pasture land. The balance of the tract is in improved pasture land and wooded draws.
- Olmitz-Vesser-Colo, Shelby & Clarinda soils.
- CSR2 is 42.
- Access is on the east by 303rd Ave.
Tract 5 • 74.51 Taxable Acres±
- FSA information indicates 23.74 acres of tillable cropland, with the entire tract in improved pasture land. The balance of the tract offers a wooded area in the western portion, wooded draws and there are 3 ponds located on the property, two with Cobett cattle waterers.
- Seymour, Clarinda & Shelby soils.
- CSR2 is 39.3.
- Access is on the east by 303rd Ave. & on the west off of 535th St.
The TA Family Farms will be sold in 5 individual tracts. All tracts will be sold on a price per acre basis through the marketing method of “Buyer’s Choice”, whereas the high bidder has the privilege to take any or all tracts for their high bid. Buyer’s Choice auctioning will continue until all 5 tracts have been sold. The tracts will NOT be offered in its entirety or in any combinations. Bidding is NOT contingent upon financing, an appraisal or inspection.
Ten (10%) percent of the bid price to be due on the day of sale with the balance due in approximately 30 days, on or before Friday, April 7, 2023 upon delivery of a merchantable abstract and deed.
At the conclusion of the auction, the successful bidder(s) shall enter into a written agreement with the seller. Signing of said agreement will be executed via email or DocuSign. The real estate taxes will be prorated to the date of closing. Full possession will be given at the time of closing. For questions or complete details contact the auction company.
The information in this brochure is believed to be accurate; however, no liability for its accuracy, errors or omissions is assumed. All lines drawn on maps, photographs, etc. are approximate. The Buyer acknowledges that they have carefully and thoroughly inspected the real estate and are familiar with the premises. The Buyer is buying this real estate in its “as is” condition and there are no expressed or implied warranties pertaining to the real estate. All announcements sale day shall take precedence over any prior advertising either written or oral.
Representing Attorney:
Rick L. Lynch
Lynch Law Office
207 S. Washington Street
Bloomfield, IA 52537
(641) 664-3188
Auction Representatives:
John Probasco (641) 856-7355
Jim Huff (319) 931-9292